
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



I haven't read or seen Obama's response to his unfortunate simile, I imagine it's a fine example of what an articulate intelligent person with lots of good image advice would say.
What caught him is probably not some inherent bigotry or insensitivity, but his spontaneity, and maybe some leakage from the locker room, like that.
It testifies to how genuine he is, how freestyle he'll take it. Improvisation carries all the risk.
Most of the hollow suits in Washington are incapable of saying something like that, not because they're sensitive to the Special Olympics demographic, but because they're so intent on creating and maintaining an image that will sell, and have been for years. They're good at it, they're pros, but they're as genuine as masks. Obama the few times I've watched him speak was clearly winging it.
That business aside, some noise has been generated by the reversal of official US sentiment about the Armenian genocide. Hard to say from way out here but it's likely the same guys who had him bow to their collective majesty when he got the nomination. They were pretty active in the resistance to recognizing what happened in Armenia as Holocaust-level murder. Them, and the Turks of course. The Turks don't have quite as much power in the US though.
The Zionist cabal/whatever does, and they need the landscape free of all and any other victims of that stature. Can't have anyone watering down the awful.
They own genocide, it's their private copyright, no one uses the term without a license.
Thus Sudan/Darfur, genocide. Sri Lanka/Eelam, not genocide.
Because the Zionists have an active interest in what happens in Sudan/Darfur, and they could give a shit about the Tamils being wiped off the map, or driven into the sea.

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