
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Wal-Mart drug-tests its employees. It has a legal right to do that. So depending on how effective it is at that drug-testing it has a relatively drug-free workplace.
It also has tons of cheaply-produced items for sale. That were made in the hyped-up manufactories of the less-regulated world. Think about it.
Ice, speed for the millennium, came out of Asia right around the same time the flood of cheap goods first tsunami'd into the department stores of the US. Desperate folks, working 12 hour shifts 6 days a week, often on piece-rate, under a foreman whose paycheck directly reflects his quota attainment. Inadequate nutrition, inadequate sleep, inadequate self-esteem. And cheap crank available on-site and everywhere in the feeder ghettos where you live.
Wal-Mart doesn't drug test its suppliers, because it doesn't have to, there's no law that says it has to and it would be economically counter-productive to do so.
So if Wal-Mart's suppliers want to treat their employees like laying hens in a scientifically-run egg factory, jacked-up and featherless and crazy and miserable, that's their business.
That's what makes slavery immoral, it treats people like they were disposable. And that's what makes the Wal-Mart food chain immoral, because it requires the consumption of human lives to operate.
We're taught early on slavery is a sin against the work ethic, which says you should get an honest day's pay for an honest day's work. But really what slavery is is harder to take a solid stand against, if you strip the money out of the equation - it's gobbling up people's lives and throwing them away when they're no longer useful to you, it's using people without regard for their well-being. That's what makes slavery wrong. We're so locked into the capitalist mind-set that most people think slavery's wrong because it's making people work for you and then not paying them.
It's not because you're using their lives in an inhuman way, it's because you don't give them any money. Amphetamines are a natural outcome of that system, they match every aspect of the requirements and practices of the satellite employers Wal-Mart has to have to be what it is. And it's no accident that amphetamine abuse became pandemic right around the time Wal-Mart started metastasizing. They're both symptoms of the same disease.

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