
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Ω{I've thought for a long time that Jorn Barger had been ostracized by the 'blog community' or whatever its aristocracy calls itself. At first it seemed to have something to do with his employment or some early tech development personality conflict. Then it started to get clearer.
It was his refusal to bow before the militant pressure of that nameless and faceless presence that dominates public discourse in the US.
And now it suddenly hits me, it's happened to me too.
Of course. It makes perfect sense. I get a comment all edited down and lined up and send it and it zings and suddenly there's this inane follow-up that's all semitically chauvinist. That this has happened entirely behind my back makes it that much more absurd. It's the main reason I don't do comments here. I don't like reading other people's craziness, my own is hard enough to take.
So Barger is that unique pathological evil, the anti-semite. And therefore shunned by 'normal' people.
That this necessitates a complete denial of endemic Jewish racism, that it also requires the exclusion of an entire sub-group of Jews who are devoting, at great risk, their time and lives to the obstruction of the pernicious and duplicitous manipulation of public consciousness in the United States by men and women who hide behind the blood-drenched and criticism-proof image of the persecuted Jew, is still a taboo statement.
Many people think this, and are resentful, and that resentment is building.
Monolithic Jewish sentiment is a myth.
Seymour Hersh, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Judith Butler, dozens of other brave men and women, right out the gate. If I were an anti-semite I would have at best mixed emotions toward these people, and I don't. I admire and respect them. I despise cowards who hide their own inadequacies and failings behind some group image, whether it's black, or gay, or Jew.
It would be convenient for the real bigots here if I were truly an unreasoning and prejudiced man, but too bad. There's nothing knee-jerk about my reaction to them except my automatic reflex of repugnance at their viciousness and deceit. That they happen to be Jews is incidental. To me. To others less capable of the distinctions necessary to see one as different from the other, it creates a climate of antipathy in which the people I admire and respect will themselves suffer.
This compounds the disgust I feel.
The smugness and shrill irrationality, and the arrogance that bides its time in secret, throwing a mask of victimhood before itself, how much of that did Barger have to endure? And how many others have there been, whose voices weren't prominent enough to begin with, and so they just fell away.
What's really happening here is a violent and inhuman thing. It's big enough that it's hard to see and name, its symptoms get pointed to and dealt with as if they were the disease itself.
These are simple questions many people want the answers to, and honest answers to those questions would go a long way toward calming the waters of 'anti-semitic' hatred. But it is taboo to even ask those questions. Just as its become anti-semitic to even use the word 'Jew' in most contexts.
The world, the western world anyway, is in the grip of increasingly desperate madmen. That their desperation is the result of their own inadequacies doesn't change the fact that they're armed to the teeth.
It's obviously anti-semitic to suggest that 'mainstream' media in the US is run by Jews. And yet just as obviously a list of the ten most powerful media figures in the country shows each one to be a Jew. This requires a crippling degree of cognitive dissonance to work with, so no one does, aboveground.
The world is changing. The disenfranchised are finding voices. Lies can't withstand the steady progress of truth. I'm not so much defending Barger, or myself for that matter, as pointing out what I think is the essential problem.
There is no adequate name that distinguishes the one Jew from the other. That this works in the favor of the villain and against the hero is no accident. The enemy is there, operating in plain sight, nameless and invisible.}

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